

Pap is an independent world within the Emissariate of Bolusca.

Planetary Characteristics

Pap is a class B planet, the second planet of a G4 star on the border of sectors X-1 and X-2, approximately 1,800 parsecs coreward of Bolusca. In many ways Pap resembles Bolusca in prehistoric times, having a hot, wet climate, shallow oceans with abundant fish life, and a single large continent covered in tropical vegetation and home to many species of large reptile. Where Pap differs from prehistoric Bolusca is in the emergence of intelligent mammalian life forms much earlier in its evolutionary history, in parallel with the planet's reptilian era.

Indigenous Species

The Pappians are almost identical to white-skinned Boluscans in appearance and genetic make-up. The striking difference is their pure white hair.

Pappians achieved sentience and developed language an unknown time ago. They have developed a hunter-gatherer level of civilization and know nothing of advanced science.

Pappians live in small tribes in isolated valleys along the continent's central mountain range. Either through natural processes or through Pappian activity, these valleys are free of predatory lizards and therefore allow the Pappians to live relatively safe and peaceful lives. Interaction between tribes is rare due to the difficulties in travelling from valley to valley. In their own langauge, the natives call themselves simply "The People".

The People's society is split along gender roles, with the physically stronger males responsible for hunting. One important ritual that has been observed is the passage of a male child into adulthood, which involves the dangerous practice of killing his first large lizard single-handedly. The best documented example of this ritual involved Zog, son of chief Munto, making his first kill.


Pap was surveyed 100 cycles ago, and the indigenous sentients were discovered. In accordance with Emissariate policy of the time, colonization of the world was prohibited. It possesses abundant mineral wealth, but its isolated location makes exploitation economically undesirable. The system is also just beyond single-jump capabilities of the Krai border and therefore of limited strategic use. Therefore, while the system is not officially interdicted, is almost never visited by Boluscans.

There has been a small scientific mission on the world for several cycles, tasked with investigating all aspects of native evolution and culture. The mission operates under standard contact principles for primitive cultures. Much progress has been made in translating the language of The People. The current (Cy 1602) head of the expedition is Professor Chal. During his tenure, tentative contact with The People has been established by Boluscans passing themselves off as People from another valley.