Bouncing Being

  1. Biographical Details
  2. Description
  3. History
  4. Psychological Profile
  5. Skills and Abilities

Biographical Details

Full Name
B. Durgal
The planet Bolusca, Cy. 1554.
Not recorded.
Lagoona Karg (Replica), wife.
Star Guard Academy instructor.
Member of the Star Guard.


Height: 142cm (4'8"); Weight: 73kg (160lbs).

Bouncing Being's body is misproportioned compared with the Boluscan standard, though he can hold a semblance of a more normal shape by concentraring on exercising his stretching abilities. In its natural form, his lower torso is considerably wider than his upper body, which, combined with a lack of neck and a dome-shaped head, gives him a pear-shaped appearance. His limbs are shorter and thicker than should be normal for his height.


B. Durgal was grown in vitro by the scientists of the Allell Bio-Engineering Corporation, from genetic material donated by Boluscan parents. Before their operations were shut down by the Emissariate, Allell were engaged in the creation of "enhanced" Boluscans who could survive hostile planetary environments. Durgal was intended for high-gravity environments, thus he was designed with specific enhanced musculature and elastic resilience to falls and impacts. The experiment was deemed a failure, however, and the "inadequate" specimen was adandonded by Allell and left to make his own way in the world.

Durgal spent an unhappy childhood in the care of the state, looked upon as a freak by other children. Though highly intelligent and educated, as an adult he could only find menial work; jobs more commonly performed by automatons.

In his 21st cycle, Durgal was accidentally involved in one of the Star Guard's mission on Bolusca, where the young man impressed the Guard with his courage and resourcefulness. During the mission, Durgal developed an instant crush on the young Star Guard member Replica. Immediately following the mission, he applied to join the Star Guard, convinced that his "freak" ability would qualify him for membership. Unluckily for him, the examining board decided that his ability was not useful enough, but he was granted a place in the Star Guard Academy, possibly because they felt sorry for him. Durgal was satisfied with this, convinced that one day he would gain full membership.

Durgal remained at the Academy longer than any student on record. During this time, Replica began to return his affections and eventually the unlikely couple were married with full Star Guard honours. Durgal mostly gave up the thought of regular mission duty, and gradually drifted into the role of instructor for new Academy cadets. He filled this role with distinction, becoming well liked and respected by not only his cadets but also the other Star Guard, who universally considered him just as much a full member as they were. At times, he was called upon to take part in active Star Guard missions, always performing in exemplary fashion.

Psychological Profile

Bouncing Being is an eternal optimist; as a youth he was forced to be so that he would not give in to despair. He is indefatigably cheerful, and genuinely convinced that whatever life throws at him will work out well and fall into its proper place, in time. Strangely, this is has proven to be true. Entirely due to his own personal fortitude and positive attitude, he always comes out on top of a challenge, and seeming disappointments always turn out for the best.

Bouncing Being has a shrewd, analytical mind, and is a competent strategist thanks to years of watching the Star Guard from the sidelines. He is an excellent teacher and is well liked and respected by all.

Bouncing Being is totally devoted to his wife, and equally devoted to upholding the standards and principles of the Star Guard.

Skills and Abilities

Bouncing Beings powers derive from the genetic modifications made to his skin, muscle tissue, and bone structure. His entire body has remarkable resiliency and extensibility, and possesses many of the attributes of rubber.

He can deform his body at will, causing it to lengthen or compress by up to fifty percent. He can extend any limb up to six metres, having it become as thin as a finger and as flexible as a rope. If he is aware of an attack, he can reduce its severity by deforming his body around the attacking force.

This ability allows him an unusual mode of travel. By building up momentum, he can leap ("bounce") increasingly greater distances. At maximum, his leaps can cover almost 200m at speeds of nearly 100kph. He suffers no injury from the impact of landing after such a bounce, and is similarly protected from other falls or collisions.

Bouncing Being's stamina, healing rate, and general resistance to injury are significantly greater than those of a baseline Boluscan.

Bouncing Being is a qualified pilot and interstellar navigator.