Ander's World


Ander's World is a member world of the Emissariate of Bolusca.

Planetary Characteristics

Ander's World is a class C world, 600 parsecs rimward of Bolusca. It is the only habitable planet of Ander Sun, a K2 class stellar primary. Its orbital distance is 1.5 Boluscanomical Units (BU), giving a year of 2.3 cycles.

Ander's world receives little heat and light from its primary, but a thick cloud cover traps what heat it does receive, resulting in a temerate climate with little variation across the planet. The combination of dim primary and dense cloud cover means that daylight at the planet's surface is limited. At equatorial noon, the light level never exceeds twilight conditions, and direct sunlight is never seen. The planetary day is approximately 24 hours long, divided equally into day and night portions.

The surface is 70% water, with three large continental land masses and several islands of significant size. The consistent surface temperature range means there are no permanent ice caps.

Native plant life evolved extremely efficient photosynthesis to cope with the low light, but though the majority of the surface was covered in vegetation (pre-colonization), no native plant grows to significant size, and there is no tree-like vegetation. Native animal life has not evolved higher than insencts and primitive fish.

There are several other planets in the Ander system, but none are inhabited.


Ander's World was colonized in the first wave of Boluscan expansion. Native vegetation was incompatible with Boluscan biochemistry, but genetic modification produced hybrids which could be processed into a wide variety of foodstuff. The modified hybrids are currently the dominant vegetation, with pure native varieties confined to isolated areas of wilderness land.

The planetary population is approximately three billion, which is the maximum that can currently be comfortably supported by home-grown crops. The planet is heavily industrialized and is effectively self-sufficient in food, resource extraction, and manufacturing, exporting several manufactured items and needing to import very little.

Plantary government is an elected House of Representatives with approximately 3000 members, and all policy is made by committee, with no single presidential figure. One representative is elected as "Speaker" for a set term, but has no more power than any other representative. In practice, the majority of policy is heavily influenced by powerful industrial lobbying groups, dominated by a small handful of planetary megacorporations.

Notable Individuals

Notable Organizations

The most significant megacorporations operating on Ander's World are (in approximate order of size and wealth):