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This issue begins at night and a lot of the action will take place outside in darkness. The darkness should add atmosphere but never actually obscure the action. It's raining throughout most of the story and this should be portrayed on-panel where appropriate. The location is still Washington state and scenery should be suitable for the region (generally, the exterior views will show heavy forest).
PAUL begins the scenario in his JEROME SANDERS personality and his captions will be labelled as such. Note that JEROME's captions use British spelling where appropriate (everybody else should use US spelling).
Most narration in this issue is in the form of DON's "mission reports" (effectively a running monologue). These should be indicated on-panel by a distinctive type face (something boring but reliable, eg Times). These "mission report" captions will be marked as such in the script.
An exterior view of DON's RV driving along a dark, deserted highway.
Mission report.
4:45am, September 21, 2015.
Heading North on Interstate 5.
Situation: normal.
Looking in through the rain-slicked front window of the RV, we see DON's indistinct outline.
"Normal". Right. I'm driving through the night with a van full of super-powered teens on the run from alien invaders.
Same view. The wiper blades cut through the rain and we see DON clearly through the window.
Crazy thing is, I remember a time in my life when I would have considered this normal.
SFX (wipers):
Now we see the RV from the inside, DON's POV: he grips the wheel with both hands and stares at the road ahead.
That was a long time ago. I'm out of practice. And making stupid mistakes.
SFX (wipers):
DON stands, looking out of another rain-slicked window. But this is a wide picture window and we can see a sweep of city lights far below. He's dressed the same as he is "today", however.
Hong Kong, six months ago:
It's been too many years. I'm out of that business. I'm a civilian pilot now, not a—
He turns and we can see the room behind him -- a large, high-class hotel room. The only other occupant is SPIRIT. She's sitting cross-legged on a large couch. She's in casual "Western" clothing and her hair is loose.
I was going to say, "secret agent".
SPIRIT is now standing and looking up at DON (there is a noticeable difference in height).
Fennec spent the last years of his life putting this organization together. I can coordinate but I need a man in the field—
I'm not the right man, Spirit.
DON turns away from her and paces across the room.
SPIRIT (off-panel):
You made a career of fighting superhumans. With no powers yourself. How many men alive today can claim that? You understand the dangers of power in the wrong hands better than most.
SPIRIT (off-panel):
Fennec thought you were the right man.
DON is at a side table on which lies two TONFAS -- the martial arts weapons we saw SPIRIT with last issue. He regards them.
You know I disagreed with Fennec's methods—
SPIRIT (off-panel):
Then don't use them! Follow your conscience. Do whatever it is you do that made Fennec—and everybody—trust you so completely.
DON turns and looks at her.
There's a new generation of superhumans out there with nobody to protect or guide them. No heroic role models. Young, undisciplined, uncontrolled. And they need us. Because if Fennec could foresee their emergence—
Panel 1 should dominate this page as it's intended to set the scene where much of the issue's action will take place. The other "detail" panels can be overlaid on the main panel or show in a strip below it, as suitable.
Another road. It has steeply wooded banks on either side. An articulated truck has jack-knifed across the road so that the trailer (a big, solid thing) sits across both lanes and blocks them completely. The tractor is twisted so that it points directly up the road, towards our POV. Its headlight beams illuminate six men. They all wear dark coats, buttoned up against the rain, and have short "military-style" haircuts. In fact, they look a lot like K-MEN in their human form (probably because that's exactly what they are). Some carry guns.
CAPTION (continuing SPIRIT's speech):
"Then so could a lot of other people."
Close-up of two of the K-MEN studying a map on a hand-held computer. One of them (the one speaking) is pointing.
False traffic reports will divert them here.
Close-up of a different K-MAN slamming a magazine into a weapon -- an M16 assault rifle.
SFX (gun):
K-MAN (off-panel):
The metahumans are to be taken unharmed. Termination is authorized for Don Newman only.
One of the K-MEN is in WOLFMAN form. He bares his teeth in a snarl.
K-MAN (off-panel):
Don't wolf up until we've verified the target!
Close-up on the cold (human) eyes of the first K-MAN as he speaks.
They got away once. This time, no screw-ups.
Inside the RV, JAMES is climbing into the passenger seat next to DON. JAMES is fully costumed and masked. He's not carrying the SHIELD right now.
Why are we turning off, Don?
The road is washed out ahead.
Close-up of the satellite navigation display, which shows the same map as the K-MEN were examining. A red dot (presumably the position of the RV) is at the intersection of two roads. One of the roads is marked in green. DON's finger is tapping the screen.
DON (off-panel):
This is the recommended route. See?
A rear view of DON and JAMES, sitting side-by-side. JAMES is turning his head to look back into the body of the vehicle (towards us).
How's Jerome?
Pretty cheerful for a man with three bullet holes in him.
We now see the back of the RV from JAMES's POV. JEROME has his shirt off and SARA is wrapping (fresh) bandages round him. CHI-YUN sits nearby, her attention on JAMES's shield (lying on the table). FRED sits further back, in his favoured position, smoke from his cigarette curling out of a window.
Sorry. Not very good at this.
Nonsense. I feel <ow> better already, Sara.
JEROME carefully puts his shirt back on. Note that it's a white shirt. This will become important later. (Hmm... have I just given away what's coming?)
In my century, guns did not have such a rapid rate of fire.
Close-up of FRED as he flicks his cigarette butt through the window.
FRED (softly):
"My century." Lord Loony's gonna get us all killed.
JEROME (off-panel):
Beg pardon, Fred?
SARA sits next to CHI-YUN.
How are you, Chi-Yun?
Sick. From now on, I'm always going to sleep as a cat.
A cat with chloroform immunity.
CHI-YUN reaches a hand towards -- but doesn't touch -- the SHIELD on the table. We should clearly be able to see the silver pentagram design on it.
Did you know James's shield has the power to destroy the universe?
I wouldn't touch it, then.
CHI-YUN snatches her hand back.
Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's a myth.
Looking from SARA's POV towards where JAMES and DON are in the front.
SARA (softly):
It must be.
Back on DON in the cab.
Oh, what now?
From DON's POV, looking through the windscreen, we can see the jack-knifed trailer. Two men are in view. They're K-MEN but they aren't wearing the usual dark clothing, they're wearing work clothes -- jeans, boots, short jackets zipped up against the rain. Posing as truck drivers. One of them is waving at us with a flashlight, the other is further back by the truck's cab.
No dialogue.
DON is climbing out of the RV. SARA and CHI-YUN have crowded forwards to see what's happening.
Everybody stay put.
DON is walking towards the lead K-MAN, his hand on the zip of his jacket (which is zipped only part way up). The K-MAN's hand (not the one holding the flashlight) is also reaching for the zip of his jacket.
One thing I learned in my days with the Department was to trust my instincts. Going up against superhuman terrorists as often as I did ... if I hadn't been on the ball I'd be dead a dozen times over by now.
Hey there, got yourself a problem?
Yeah, she just kinda... flipped out.
And right now my instincts are screaming—
Big action panel! DON is diving sideways to the ground. The K-MAN has drawn a small machine pistol -- H&K MP5 -- and is spraying bullets in DON's general direction (but missing).
SFX (gun):
DON has rolled to his knees and drawn his gun. Have we mentioned DON's gun before? DON has a REALLY BIG GUN. He fires it at the K-MAN, a single shot.
SFX (gun):
The K-MAN staggers back, clutching his gun arm, his gun dropped. Looks like DON scored a hit. But behind him, we see the second "truck driver" (we'll call him "K-MAN #2") approaching. And he's already morphed into full WOLF-MAN form.
K-MAN #2:
Alien invaders. Faster, stronger, tougher than a human. The wolf is their true form — the human form is a holographic image so they can pass among us.
We don't see how fast K-MAN #2 moved, obviously, but he's right up next to DON already and swinging claws at him. DON dodges the attack.
One I could probably take. Two... I don't know...
A wide view of the area, and we can now see FOUR K-MEN (all in wolf form) standing on top of the jack-knifed trailer. All are armed.
Ok. I'm dead.
Inside the RV, JAMES is behind the wheel. SARA stands behind him, leaning on the back of the seat and looking over his shoulder.
Get ready to grab Don.
Outside view again. The RV races forwards towards where DON is still fighting K-MAN #2. DON has blocked another swing, using his left arm (not the one holding his gun). The claws don't hit but the impact has driven DON to his knees.
SFX (strike):
JAMES skids the vehicle round, missing DON by inches and slamming into K-MAN #2. The manoeuvre was made in such a way that the RV is between DON and the four K-MEN on the trailer. (We don't need to see the trailer in this view, but the angles and directions need to be consistent.) Note that we've temporarily lost track of K-MAN #1 (don't worry, he's coming back). DON is lying on the ground (from an attack we didn't show).
SFX (tyres):
SFX (impact):
Now that's what I call driving!
Still behind the wheel, JAMES looks sideways to the trailer. From his POV we see the four K-MEN standing atop it open fire. We see bullets strike the side window but ricochet off harmlessly (it's armoured, as has been mentioned previously).
SFX (bullet ricochets):
spang! spang! spang!
Yowch! Hurry!
Looking from DON's side of the RV, DON is no longer fighting and he's struggling (unsuccessfully) to get to his knees. He's holding his left arm awkwardly but, remarkably, he's kept hold of his gun in his right hand. K-MAN #2 hasn't got up from the collision but we don't need to show him in the panel. We can see that CHI-YUN has flung open the side door of the RV and is looking at DON. He's only a few yards away but will he make it...?
Don! Quick!
CHI-YUN has left the vehicle and is standing next to DON. The panel needs to illustrate the difference in their sizes: he's an all-American hunk and she's a teenage Chinese girl. He's a foot taller and twice her weight. No way is she going to lift him.
CHI-YUN (thought):
Er... Horse
Ok, she doesn't really turn into a horse. But we need to show that she's much bigger. Taller and wider. At the same time, her clothing changes into a sleeveless tank top that shows off her new muscles (there's no reason for her to have changed clothing but it will help make the change to her body obvious so why not?). As a concession to the horse idea, her hair is now a long black "mane" (and it may as well stay like this for a while, even after she loses her muscles). She's bending down to pick up DON. He has blood on his face and isn't doing much to help.
Run, you stupid—
Shut up, I'm rescuing you!
Close-up as a hand reaches for a sub-machine-gun lying on the road. The hand belongs to K-MAN #1 -- the one that DON initially shot. Yes, he's back in the fight and barely hurt.
No dialogue.
K-MAN #1 rises to his feet, holding the gun. He begins to morph into WOLFMAN form.
No dialogue.
CHI-YUN has DON settled on her shoulders. She's facing K-MAN #1, who has the gun levelled at her from only a few feet away. It's wearing a big, toothy grin. She looks panicked.
K-MAN #1:
Hurrrrr Hurrrrrr
CHI-YUN (thought):
Crab? Armadillo?
Quick, what's bullet-proof?
Same scene. CHI-YUN stands frozen. But SARA is now standing between her and the K-MAN.
Go ahead, hairy. Make my d—
Close-up on the K-MAN as he pulls the trigger.
K-MAN #1:
Hurrrrr Hurrrrrr—
SFX (gun):
K-MAN #1:
Sara's supernaturally lucky.
Wider view of SARA kicking the K-MAN in the stomach. It has absolutely no effect. Behind her, CHI-YUN and DON are being helped into the RV by FRED.
One day her luck's going to run out. Until then, she'll go on treating this like a game.
Back with JAMES, looking from his POV to the trailer with the four K-MEN. They are leaping (effortlessly) to the ground and running towards us.
We're out of time!
Now from FRED's POV in the RV's doorway, we see SARA dodging the K-MAN's swing. K-MAN #2 is running towards her (yes, he's already recovered from being hit by the RV).
Sara get in the damn van!
SARA turns her back on the K-MAN. He swings at her back -- it looks like he may have hit, although she doesn't react to it. (He hasn't; he's just torn her shirt.)
SFX (shirt):
SARA begins to sprint towards the RV. She has ducked low just as K-MAN #2 leaps at her. In consequence, he's sailed over her head and collided with K-MAN #1 -- who was himself just about to deliver a killing blow.
K-MAN #1:
K-MAN #2:
SARA leaps and clasps FRED's outstretched hand.
JAMES (off-panel):
They're getting very—
Just go!
A wide shot of the RV accelerating away. K-MEN #1 and #2 are picking themselves up off the floor. The other four K-MEN are close but not close enough. They open fire but the armoured RV is impervious.
SFX (tyres):
CHI-YUN, SARA, FRED, DON, and JEROME, in the cramped quarters of the back of the RV. CHI-YUN is bending over DON, who still has blood running down his face. SARA has her back to FRED (and us) and is looking over her shoulder, trying to see what he's seeing. The back of her shirt is in tatters. JEROME is sitting and looking backwards through one of the windows. Everybody should be holding on to something, as the vehicle is obviously moving very quickly.
That was really dumb.
Ha! Missed by a mile!
How many fingers am I holding up?
Chi-Yun, it's only a scratch.
My friends—
Same scene. Everybody looks up at the ceiling.
JEROME (softly):
Never mind.
Same scene. A clawed hand comes through the skylight, sending glass showering down. The claws belong to K-MAN #2 (yes, him again).
Oh, come on! How do you stop these things?
Close-up on FRED. K-MAN #2 reflected in his eyes... you know the deal.
FRED (thought):
A view of the roof of the RV from the outside. K-MAN #2 is kneeling on it, leaning over the broken skylight. But both of his hands are clutching his head, which is thrown upwards, mouth (muzzle... whatever) open in a howl.
K-MAN #2:
The K-MAN is now in human form. He's on his feet, still clutching his head, face distorted in pain. A tall, thin CHI-YUN is looking through the skylight.
K-MAN #2:
Ow. Crap.
Hey! He's—
The K-MAN loses his balance and pitches off the roof. He's still in human form (and will stay that way).
K-MAN #2:
Inside the RV, we can see CHI-YUN is much taller than usual (tall enough to get her head out of the roof). FRED is sitting on a bench, blood trickling from his nose.
Chi-Yun! Get down!
FRED (softly):
'm gonna pass out now.
From the POV of JEROME looking through a side window, we see K-MAN #2 hit the ground.
JEROME (shouting):
Stop the carriage!
An exterior view of the RV skidding to a halt.
SFX (tyres):
In the front of the vehicle JAMES leans forwards and peers through the rain-slicked window.
Another exterior view. JEROME has left the vehicle through a side door and is sprinting back towards the unconscious K-MAN #2. SARA stands in the door, looking after him.
Jerome they're chasing us with guns!
JEROME hoists the K-MAN over his shoulders.
No dialogue.
Back in the RV, SARA and CHI-YUN help JEROME and the K-MAN through the door.
That really was dumb.
SARA (shouting):
James, Go!
JEROME collapses on to a bench. The front and sleeve of his shirt are now stained RED with blood.
A prisoner. It will be useful.
JEROME (softly):
Now please forgive me while...
SARA sits next to JAMES, who is intent on the road.
How are we doing?
Well, my favorite shirt's ruined. Don probably has a concussion. Jerome's passed out. Fred too, though I don't know why. And Chi-Yun's kicking the Krai to make sure he doesn't wake up.
So, not too—
JAMES turns to look at SARA, eyes bugging.
We have a Krai?
In the back of the vehicle, DON is wiping blood from his face. FRED is still slumped on the bench but his eyes are open.
Did we get away?
Yeah, we're clear. Gutsy move, pushing your power that hard.
FRED doesn't look at DON.
Power? I don't know what you—
DON just looks at FRED.
Yeah, Ok. Whatever.
DON moves forwards to stand behind JAMES (we see this from behind, so FRED's still in the foreground of the panel).
FRED (softly):
Guts, hell. I was terrified.
Now a view of SARA, JAMES, and DON from the front.
But he still got the job done. One day he'll understand that's all courage really is.
Look for somewhere to turn off the road.
In the back of the RV. It's now stationery (though the reader probably can't tell that, except by inference from the fact that nobody is in the driver's seat). The K-MAN is unconscious on the floor, surrounded by DON, JAMES, SARA, FRED, and CHI-YUN. (Yes, it will be very cramped.) JEROME doesn't need to be in sight (he's unconscious somewhere).
Pe-yew! Why does he wear so much cologne?
Cheap cologne!
DON is going through the K-MAN's pockets.
Maybe to hide the smell of wet fur? I dunno. Ok, search him for weapons, communicators, location devices — anything that looks high-tech or suspicious.
FRED runs his hand over the K-MAN's face. (No need to show the whole group in this panel -- just FRED and DON will do.)
So the wolf is the normal form and this is a holographic image?
So why don't we feel fur?
DON pinches the K-MAN's cheek.
Well I'll be damned.
DON sits back on his heels.
They're actual Krai shape-shifters? That's new...
SARA tosses a small, unremarkable, leather wallet to DON.
He doesn't have anything apart from this.
DON looks at the wallet in his hands.
Ok. Makes sense that if they're infiltrating us they would need—
Close-up on the open wallet in DON's hands. It's one of these things with different compartments to hold cards and so forth. We can currently see a standard American driving licence. The picture matches the K-MAN on the floor and the name is ROBERT WEAVER. (We don't need to make out any other details on it.)
No dialogue.
Another close-up. From another compartment, DON pulls out a number of banknotes. Not a huge amount.
No dialogue.
Still in close-up. DON turns the wallet upside down. Something falls out and into his open palm. We don't see exactly what it is -- some sort of long metal chain.
Close-up on DON's face looking down into his palm. Registering shock and disbelief.
A close-up on DON's palm, looking down into it from his POV. We can now clearly see the item. It is a metal chain, but far more interesting are the metal tags attached to it -- military dog tags.
DON (off-panel):
Big panel, almost a full-page splash. Outside in the rain, DON is walking away from the RV. They are parked in a small clearing amongst trees -- possibly a picnic area or something. His fist is clenched (and we may be able to see the chain of the dog tags depending from it). SARA is standing in the open doorway, looking after him.
Don? Don!
Almost dawn. Up all night. Too tired to think straight.
Krai shapeshifters infiltrating the military. This is bad. Time to break secrecy. The Pentagon needs to know.
I don't want to consider the alternative explanation.
We captured a lot of Krai twenty years ago.
That K— that soldier in there doesn't look any older than twenty.
It's not impossible—
I don't want to consider it—
DON turns to where FRED, SARA, CHI-YUN, and JAMES have walked out to him. They look doubtful and curious (FRED, who has turned his collar up, just looks annoyed).
But I can't afford not to.
DON turns and walks back to the RV, past the others.
Everybody pack. We're splitting up.
They all hurry after DON.
Splitting up?
What happened to "safety in numbers"?
You'll stay together. I'm leaving.
At the door to the RV, he turns and confronts them.
No! No way!
The Krai — the situation's more complicated than we knew. I need to stop hiding. Start investigating. You need to lie low and keep safe.
DON turns and steps into the RV.
The two missions are mutually exclusive.
SARA grabs his arm.
Mutually nothing!
Close-up on SARA and DON, faces close together, rain streaming down...
If you're going against Krai, you need us!
SARA (softly):
I need you.
DON (softly):
No, you don't. Not any more.
DON is back in the RV. He's crouching next to where JEROME slumps in a chair. Blood is still evident on the front of JEROME's shirt.
Jerome, I hate to leave you like this but—
You mean to deceive the Krai, do you not? Offer yourself as bait to lead them away from us?
JEROME stands with the aid of furniture. He grimaces with pain. DON is also standing now.
If you face the wolves alone, you will die.
Would you do any different?
A "look" passes between them.
No dialogue.
DON and JEROME shake hands.
I am proud to have fought next to you, my friend.
Take care of yourself, Jerome. They'll need you.
It's light (the sun is just starting to come up) and the rain has stopped. We need a big panel to show the gang assembled outside the RV with a variety of bags. Not a huge amount of luggage, but still it's obvious they have packed up their possessions and are parting company with the RV. Note that SARA should be wearing a new shirt (the last one was torn, remember?) JEROME is a little behind the others, leaning against a tree. It's not clear whether he's conscious. They all face DON, who stands by the driver's door. It looks like he's the one who will be driving off. FRED's motorcycle is possibly visible parked nearby.
There's a town less than five miles from here. You can hire a car. Best that you're not seen there in this vehicle.
SARA hugs DON. He seems a bit awkward about it.
Call us if you need us to rescue you?
Count on it.
DON climbs into the driver's seat.
Keep a low profile. Keep safe. Keep together. You'll have to work as a team.
Puts on his sunglasses.
DON (softly):
Best damn team I've ever had.
The RV pulls away, heading down the road (into the rising sun, just to be dramatic).
No dialogue.
Next: Low Profile
Copyright © 2003, 2016 by David Meadows. All rights reserved.